Modernize Your Home-Grown Food Business

Modernize Your Home-Grown Food Business

The business of selling homegrown foods is making a comeback. Despite the downturn after the introduction of more food-safety regulations, farmers markets, homesteading, and all-natural food products from smaller businesses are making a comeback. It’s a different market, nowadays, however, and if you want to make it a profit, you need to modernize. Here […]

Pitching To Another Business? Use A Central Contribution System

Pitching To Another Business? Use A Central Contribution System

The conversation between a business and its customers is one thing, and regular contact with a client is another but, conjuring a relationship with another business is a different kettle of fish. For one thing, all the informalities can drop aside because you both know what type of game you’re in. Each of your […]

Spice Up Your Look For Your Herb & Spice Product

Spice Up Your Look For Your Herb & Spice Product

As people are getting better and better at cooking for themselves, herbs and spices are making a comeback in the kitchen. For a long time now, people want to know what it is they’re putting into their mouths, so home cooking is coming back into fashion. Now with cookbooks and celebrity chefs giving people […]

Three Unexpected Business Expenses You Must Take Into Account

Three Unexpected Business Expenses You Must Take Into Account

Image source   As a business owner, being on top of your finances is one of the most important things you must do. You need to be able to budget effectively and manage your cash flow well if you want to succeed and still be in business five years down the line. Sadly, […]

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